2024 MTRSEF K-12 Awards
2024 MTRSEF Winners
Have you ever wondered what kinds of awards you could win at the fair?
First, second, or third place in each category for grades K-5 - plaque and medals
Overall most creative project grades K-5 - certificate and $25 (new for 2024!)
Middle School
First, second, or third place in each category for grades 6-8 - plaque and medals
Top 10% of projects in grades 6-8 nominated for the Thermo Fisher Junior Innovator's Challenge (https://www.societyforscience.org/jic/)
Lemelson Early Inventor's Prize (https://www.lemelson.org/society-for-science-the-public/#:~:text=The%20Lemelson%20Early%20Inventor%20Award,solution%20to%20real%2Dworld%20problems.) - certificate and $100
High School (honors division)
First, second, and third place for each category - $100 and plaque for first, medals for second and third
Overall first, second, and third place for the division - $500 and plaque for first, $250 and plaque for second, $100 and plaque for third
All-expense paid trip to compete at the Regeneron International Science and Engineering Fair (https://www.societyforscience.org/isef/) for overall first place winner
Air Force and Naval Research Awards - tech prizes, gift cards for overall first, second, and third place winners
Regeneron Biomedical Science Award - $375 and certificate
All-expense paid trip to compete at the Genius Olympiad (https://geniusolympiad.org/) for highest placing environmental science project